
Vir-lupus (Man-wolf [Werewolf]) Notes

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Shifting info:

Shifting takes an enormous energy toll on a werewolf’s body. As you might expect, this would leave a novice werewolf very tired after a single transformation, though if they shift under duress a massive release of adrenaline can keep them moving at full speed for a while. Often, attached wolf-spirits will take up the energy deficit during transformation, only to give it back to the werewolf when there is no longer any danger or when they shift back. Obviously, Wolf-born cannot do this as they don’t have an attached wolf-spirit.

When shifting, werewolves keep in line with the law of conservation of mass by increasing their size through the use of magically conjured matter, called ectoplasm, to make up the mass deficit. Werewolves who shift frequently actually begin to store biomass in their internal cavities, necessitating less ectoplasm and thus require far less energy to shift, as well as providing additional protection to their internal organs when in human or wolf forms.

Indeed, the majority of the energy spent during transformation is conjuring ectoplasm, which for all intents and purposes is real flesh as long as the werewolf’s blood is in contact with it, even if the limb has been severed from the body. Also, werewolves only howl after transforming if they break their pain threshold during transformation.


Most werewolves are far stronger and faster than the average human, and have a minor healing factor to boot. This isn’t a heals-in-front-of-your-eyes healing ability (though healing mages can do this with magic), but all non-lethal injuries werewolves sustain (except for ones inflicted by silver, see below) generally heal completely in up to half the time, and werewolves are highly resistant, if not outright immune, to most diseases and poisons; though this varies depending on the strength of the wolf-spirit (this is by virtue of their healing factor repairing the damage caused by the disease/poison as fast as it is being inflicted) and the frequency of their transformations. However, they cannot regrow lost limbs. It is also possible to be a werewolf and a mage, though only those who can control themselves can wield magic while shifted.


All werewolves are, to some extent, vulnerable to silver. This is actually a curse that was placed on all theriomorphs as a balancing act by heaven, in order to give the average commoner a way to defend his/her self from the extreme power of theriomorphs. (Note: Mages who are shape shifters do not count as theriomorphs) A werewolf’s vulnerability to silver varies greatly, as heaven designed the curse so that it would weaken or strengthen depending on how good or evil the werewolf is. Werewolves created by contracts with demons are exempt from this, however, as the demonic magic that binds the demonic wolf-spirit to the human also reacts to the silver (one of silver’s metaphysical properties is solidified light, which is the bane of all demonic entities [and their magic] by its very nature).

To good werewolves (only Wolf-born and their descendants need apply), silver is warm to the touch, and wounds inflicted by it merely disable their healing factor, but it doesn’t burn them. To werewolves who are neither good or evil (you can add the Maledictae to the list, at least the ones who try to control themselves), silver is painfully hot to the touch, and wounds inflicted by it literally cause their blood to boil on contact with the silver weapon in addition to disabling their healing factor. Werewolves who use their ability to harm other humans for their own gain cannot even touch silver, for it burns them as though it is perpetually red-hot, causing their flesh to sizzle and sear on contact with any silver, whether or not it has been made into a weapon. (Note: this holds true for all theriomorphs)

Also, if a werewolf’s connection with their wolf-spirit is blocked, they lose access to all of their shifting abilities (including their healing factor) and are stuck in whatever form they were caught in. If their connection with their wolf-spirit is severed, then they are no longer a werewolf, although this is extremely traumatic to the ex-werewolf and requires a lot of power (mid-level angel or higher). Obviously, this wouldn’t work on Wolf-born. By the way, they can’t take their clothing with them when they shift. No Magic Pants. Due to their enhanced senses, werewolves are also easier to stun via sensory overload (i.e. flashbang) when shifted.

The Wolfsbane plant is known to be able to kill werewolves that are poisoned with it, however as it is also quite capable of killing average humans as well, there is debate as to whether it is truly a weakness of werewolves.

Contract types:

Maledictae (the cursed):

This kind of werewolf is created when a person is cursed to become a werewolf, often, though not always, during the nights of the full moon. The curse usually originates from middle-weight daemones (demons) as part of a contract with a human, and is usually directed at a mortal that the contracted human has a rivalry/conflict/disagreement with by binding a demonic wolf-spirit to the victim, resulting in the victim(s) becoming werewolves. May also target the family of the victim as well. The afflicted has no control over the transformation times or their transformed self, though they’re very aware of what their body is doing.

The transformation usually takes about a minute and is always excruciatingly painful. Afflicted often attempt to isolate themselves from civilization, though this just restricts them to preying on outlying farms. Curses from daemones maiores (greater demons) can be hereditary. Curse cannot be transferred any other way. Has only one shifted form; appears as a cross between the 80’s wolf-man and modern anthro-style wolves (Think Remus Lupin [From Harry Potter], but with fur). Most common and (usually) weakest kind of werewolf. Can become Qui ligati.

Qui ligati (The bound):

Similar to Maledictae in origins and ability transfer, except the human signing the contract is the one who becomes the werewolf. Unlike the Maledictae, however, their transformations are voluntary. They are usually evil people, and use their werewolf abilities against others intentionally and with malice. Has only one shifted form; a more monstrous version of the Maledictae, designed to kill quickly and bloodily. If they lose control, they will immediately shift and try to kill everything in sight, or if they are already shifted they will immediately skip to the killing. The transformation takes about a minute and is painful, though not nearly as much as with the Maledictae. Fairly common and rather dangerous kind of werewolf. Can become Ferae.

Hereditary types:

Lupus-natum (The Wolf-born):

This is arguably the oldest kind of werewolf, and they don’t really play by the same rules as the other kinds of werewolves. For starters, while all other kinds of werewolves have some sort of wolf or wolf-like spirit bound to them, a Wolf-born IS the wolf spirit. They were born with the spirit of a wolf, and become a werewolf when they “awaken”. It is unknown how or why some are born this way, as Wolf-born are extremely rare. They are also extremely powerful, at least all well-known ones are/were. Wolf-born are also the only kind of werewolf that is truly free to choose their path, as the wolf-spirits that are bonded to other kinds give them impulses to do certain things, even when not shifted.

This type of werewolf also has two primary shifted forms: an anthromorphic one and a wolf one. What the forms look like varies from werewolf to werewolf in accordance to how they think they should look in their various forms, ranging from modern anthro ideas to horror movie monsters. Their wolf forms range from a rather large wolf to a monstrous wolf, though most Wolf-born who use their abilities for personal gain at the expense of others usually don’t bother with a wolf form.

Wolf-born also have complete control over their transformations- to the extent where they can dictate how long the transformation will last, which directly influences how much pain they experience during the transformation. Also, the more often they shift, the less pain they receive while shifting. For example: Wolf-born that frequently shift can draw out the transformation to a minute in length, reducing the pain enough that the werewolf can mostly focus on something else, such as defending him/herself from assault. Can be spread through the ingestion of blood (see below).

Filiis lupus-natum (Descendants of [the] Wolf-born):

Just as their name suggests, this type of werewolf is descended from the Wolf-born, either directly (familial ties), indirectly (consumption of the werewolf’s blood), or a combination of the two. However, the potency of the wolf’s blood is reduced by 5% each generation, gradually weakening the line to nothing after apx. 40 generations. Indeed, many of them never realize that they are werewolves after around 30 generations, and can only shift under duress, effectively making their transformations involuntary.

Generations start counting with the first descendants having received their ability directly from the Wolf-born him/herself, and take that Wolf-born’s name as a second family name, if it isn’t already. Descendants who were born as werewolves often have wolf-themed names, but those who aren’t born as werewolves generally don’t. The strength of the descendant’s wolf-spirit basically functions as the upper limit of the descendant’s power, and influences (or tries to) them to do things in line with their Wolf-born ancestor’s personality, actually acting as a spiritual advisor for the first 3 or 4 generations, though the spirit degrades into a generic formless one after 15-20 generations, depending on the strength of the Wolf-born.

The more powerful have two shifted forms, exactly like the Wolf-born, though the majority only has access to the anthro form. Their shifted forms have two influences on what they look like: their own idea of what they should look like and what their ancestor thought they should look like. Ability is spread through the transfer of blood, primarily through ingestion, but can also spread through open wounds. Can become Ferae.

Their lycanthropy usually doesn’t show itself until puberty, but it is not actually activated by the body changes that happen during puberty. Rather, a Filiis’ lycanthropy activates in response to extreme stress levels, which are most easily reached during puberty due to the hormones in the werewolf’s body. This time delay allows for this type of werewolf to develop their own personality before being influenced by the personality of their wolf-spirit.

Other types:

Ferae (Feral):

This type of werewolf is created when a wolf-spirit takes over the driver’s seat of one of the other types of werewolves. The human spirit that used to be in the driver’s seat has either been removed from the body, destroyed, or is unable to control the wolf-spirit. These poor souls are permanently shifted into a monstrous cross between an anthro form and a wolf form, and completely devoid of any human morals for the most part, though more benign descendant wolf-spirits look less monstrous and generally don’t attack humans unless provoked.

Wolf-spirit conflict

A werewolf can only have one wolf-spirit bonded to him/her at any given time. If there are multiple wolf-spirits attempting to bond with a werewolf, then the two fight to the death, temporally disabling the werewolf’s abilities until there is only one wolf-spirit left. If the werewolf in question is Wolf-born, he/she is essentially fighting for his/her life, as if the other spirit wins, they are effectively dead, though their body is now Ferae.

Social Hierarchy:

Like their natural counterparts, werewolves are social creatures, and have a highly active hierarchy consisting of the following tiers:

Individual: the werewolf him/herself.

Pack: like natural wolves, packs are the basic familial unit of werewolves, with the alpha male and female being the oldest members of the pack, and the parents of at least the majority of its members (mates of the alpha’s children are included in the number of pack members).

Clan: werewolf clans function along the same lines as Noble Houses, being a group of packs that are connected through familial ties.

In addition to the above social tiers, when several clans of werewolves gather in a settlement, they elect the strongest pack to lead them, termed the alpha pack, whose alpha male is the leader of the settlement. Female Alpha leaders are rare, but not unheard of; though most female alphas operate indirectly through their mate in a woman-behind-the-man situation. To maintain connections to other werewolf havens, the various settlements have an annual regional gathering that regularly cycles through the various towns. At these gatherings, new werewolves are introduced to other clans and trained as well, information about the status of various settlements is traded, and there is clan politicking galore.


The biomass that accumulates in werewolves who shift frequently, though it may act like and, in sufficient quantities, look like fat, is actually closer to undifferentiated stem cells than blubber.

If a werewolf uses his anthro form as his/her default form, his/her body will eventually replace the ectoplasm cells with natural cells. This can be problematic when shifting to smaller forms, such as the human form, as all shapeshifters can only change their mass through the conjuration and dispersion of ectoplasm, and cannot lower their mass below a base level- i.e. shapeshifters have a base mass defined by their default form, and cannot decrease their mass below that by shifting. In the above mentioned scenario, the werewolf would appear to be obese in his/her smaller human and wolf forms. While this does make shifting cheap energy wise, the additional mass can be cumbersome in their smaller forms.

Interestingly, exposure to wolf spirits seems to have impacts on the genetics of the person the wolf-spirit is bonded to. Over the course of a few generations, the effect is negligible, however over many generations the effects can become quite noticeable. These effects include: wolfish features, massive increase in the probability in have amber eyes (increasing from rarest eye color to slightly more common than blue eyes), and a decrease in the probability of having blue eyes (as wolves do not have blue eyes).

As mentioned above, werewolves who shift frequently have increased density in their smaller forms. This increased density can make swimming difficult for some werewolves, leading to the myth that werewolves are afraid of deep water. This myth is right, but for the wrong reasons. It’s not that werewolves are naturally afraid of deep water; it’s that they can’t swim.

This lists the various strengths, weaknesses, abilities, and types of werewolves that live in the world of Nova Terra.
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